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 FlySim Newsletter #1 - New River and Contest

We are pleased to announce the new Gosha River destination. This is a free upgrade to all FlySim customers. To get the new version visit and download the program installer. Install the new program over your previous version (Do not uninstall the old version). The new destination will be the last one in the list and will be unlocked to all our registered customers.

We are holding a contest on the new river to see who can catch the largest fish (any type), and the largest cutthroat. Cutthroats are rare and difficult to hook in the Gosha River. If you haven't landed really large fish in the past, you can still win the contest by landing cutthroats. The contest ends on February 28, 2005. The following four prizes will be awarded:

   Largest Fish (Weight)
   First Place - $50 Gift Certificate to Angler's Vice
   Second Place - Petzl Zipka Plus Headlamp

   Largest Cutthroat (Weight)
   First Place - $50 Gift Certificate to Angler's Vice
   Second Place - Petzl Zipka Plus Headlamp

Angler's Vice is a new online Fly Fishing Shop that ships worldwide.

County Comm is an online store selling outdoor gear and other cool stuff.

*** Send contest entries to with the subject "GOSHA CONTEST" ***

*** See contest results at ***

Best of Luck,
JR and Walter

These newsletters are sent out to our customers who chose to receive mail from us. We only expect to send 2-3 newsletters a year. If you do not wish to receive future newsletters, please e-mail us at and we will immediately remove you from our list.
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